Cozy Up

Cozy Up

Alright, I've withstood the pumpkin phenomenon for as long as I possibly could... The basic white girl in me (and that's in all of us.. don't even act like you don't have it in you too) is just dying for pumpkin EVERYTHING! Mugs, candles, body wash, deep fried pumpkin roll. Like, you name it and [...]

Fallin’ for ya

Fallin’ for ya

Anybody else falling for fall? It happens every year for me. I don't know about anyone else, but boots season is my favorite season. Boots are my absolute favorite! I adore riding boots, rain boots, booties, bean boots, ugg boots. You name it, and it's in my closet. I just can't even imagine living in [...]

Land of the Free

Land of the Free

Where were you when the world stopped turning sixteen years ago today? I was sitting in my third grade math class learning about multiplication when we got the heart wrenching news. I know most everyone remembers exactly where they were, and how this horrible situation made them feel. My teacher cried as we watched the [...]